New Stake & Farm Rewards for 2024 Q3

Hi Kacytizens!

This is a proposal for transferring 300 000 KACY from the DAO to Team Multisig to allow the deployment of new KACY rewards for the next quarter of this year.

We are proposing a Tokenomics concept for Kacy in conjunction with the Kassandra platform, and we explore these ideas in This Medium article. We would like to make this forum topic a discussion about the ideas presented in the Medium article and whether they make sense for our future.

In this quarter, the idea is to distribute 50 000 more KACY compared to the last quarter, following the medium article. This represents a approximately 14% increase in distribution for this quarter.

The distribution Q3

Avalanche rewards:

  • 6 000 KACY for staking KACY without withdrawal delay

  • 19 000 KACY for staking KACY with 15 days of withdrawal delay

  • 57 000 KACY for staking KACY with 45 days of withdrawal delay

  • 48 000 KACY for staking LP of KACY-AVAX

  • 23 000 KACY for staking ‘Low Risk’ portfolio with 5% Kacy

Polygon rewards:

  • 48 000 KACY for staking LP of KACY-ETH

  • 18 000 KACY for staking ‘Medium Risk’ portfolio with 5% Kacy

  • 12 000 KACY for staking KKF

Arbitrum rewards:

  • 48 000 KACY for staking LP of KACY-ETH

  • 12 000 KACY for staking ‘High Risk’ portfolio with 5% Kacy

  • 9 000 KACY for staking aKKF


There are two main objectives with this distribution:

Implement the Manager Incentive Program, benefiting Cyril’s pools.

Increase Kacy’s liquidity and allow it to benefit from market price increases.

With this, we will have tools to attract more managers and make the snowball effect work correctly for Kacy.

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