aHype Whitelisting

I’m curious to hear if anyone has any picks for projects to whitelist on aHype. The two I would be interested in adding are bECH https://ech.network/ and ROUTE https://www.routerprotocol.com/. These two would be tricky though. bECH is the bridged version of ECH, and ECH is a high inflationary coin right now. Sitting at around 131%. But, still this one has been gaining social media attention and is a bit of a moonshot. ROUTE has also been getting a lot of social media attention, but the liquidity for it is on polygon. So, it would require the usage of their voyager app to purchase from avax on polygon and bridge back to avax. So, that would probably be a bit complex.

I’m curious to hear if anyone else has picks for whitelisting or if they are happy with the projects already in aHYPE.

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There are 3 projects that catch my eye:
ELK, Zookeper and Colony. ELK seems interesting and very active. ZOO has a nice proposal for the future. And Colony (CLY) is a bet on the future.


For the first one I don’t like the idea of adding “moonshots” to aHYPE. I don’t think it fits the ETF theme of established Avalanche tokens.

For the second, I don’t like the idea of bridging, it will probably be too complex to build that level of automation into the fund.

That said, I think both might be nice to add into a new fund once the governance gets to that level. Maybe the fund creator could provide avalanche liquidity for a cross chain token. It would add a bit more volatility but it seems like a “moonshot” ETF might be ok with that.


I like the idea of a small allocation in ELK for aHYPE. It’s been around for a while but still has a lot of room for growth. And there’s already been a partnership with Kassandra so more users may be familiar with the platform.

That’s fair. Moonshot might have been a strong term regarding ECH. It’s a blockchain that’s evm built on tendermint with IBC compatibility. You can see the link in the original post. It is low cap for a blockchain. There’s liquidity for it as bECH on Trader Joe.

As for the bridging. I think I agree with you. I was curious to hear what the team thought about it. But, it does seem like a decent amount of effort.

I’ll have to look into those. I like ELK as well.

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I think it’s important to note. All we would be doing is whitelisting the coins. We still would allow aHYPE to balance based on the heimdal score.

Going to second the ELK call. VTX is a token I’d add to my recommendations as well


VTX I could get behind as well. I’d need to do a bit more research on the tokenomics though.


Any thoughts on STG?

Gotta get @baruel in on this

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Didn’t know we could tag in here. Nice

Thoughts on whitelisting YAK?

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yak is a good token but i’m not sure there is many hype with this token.

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I like them tbh. Limited supply makes it very hype-able

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big proponent of the YAK, in favor


Agreed. Plus I feel like they’re a major face in the avax ecosytem


I like YAK well enough